Good habits that will lead us to raise our self-esteem and improve health
The greatness of the human being is valued and perceived in terms of the level of self-knowledge the person enjoys of himself. One of the pillars on which this wonderful condition is sustained in each of us is by our own perception of ourselves, or what is the same, our self-esteem.
We can define self-esteem as the value we have about ourselves, taking into account that this assessment is private and our own. It is a term linked to self-concept. It is always modulated by the personality, but it varies throughout our lives. The positive and negative effects of self-love influence all facets of our life. Since it influences our behavior, there is a close relationship between self-esteem and health.
When we are adults, our degree of self-esteem depends exclusively on ourselves, we do not have to look for guilty, our family acted in the best way it could and it is in our power to modify what we do not like.
As we can see, the relationship between self-esteem, good habits and health is circular and receives constant feedback, so great efforts must be made to consolidate healthy habits. We must carry out activities that reinforce our health, and therefore increase our love for ourselves, having to be persistent and tenacious until we get used to them and precisely manage to convert them into habits. In that moment, we will have taken a big step.
Let's see some habits that will help us in our purpose:
- Do exercise.Generating endorphins will make you feel better every day. In a secondary way, you will sleep better, so that the next day we will have more capacity to perform. Finally, after a few weeks, when we look in the mirror and appreciate the progress, our self-esteem will undoubtedly increase. Body image is an important part to lean on.
- Avoid perfectionism.Sometimes the pursuit of happiness acts as a negative agent. We set the bar so high and idealized that we only get frustrated and further damage our self-esteem. Joy is simple, modest, immediate, spontaneous, unpretentious, and we can observe it in young children. Happiness is more complex, it is a more global concept and it is easier to fall into dissatisfaction if we do not arrive at that global idea of happiness. On the other hand, joy is present, it is found in the everyday, in the day to day, it is simple, it is cause and end, less rational, less planned, but a great ally.
- Develop your assertiveness.Do not be overly dependent on what others say or do, trust your own criteria. Do not see yourself doing things you do not want to satisfy others, this will end up hurting you.
- Boost your sociability.Establish social relationships that enrich you, avoiding isolation. Having a good social life is a reliable prognosis for the development of good self-esteem.
- Develop your hobbies.Take time and feed those activities that you always wanted to do.
- Live coherently.Establishing a coherent connection between what we think, what we say and what we do is essential to feel that we live in harmony. On many occasions we are not faithful to our thoughts to try to please others and we forget that to be happy it is necessary to be consistent with ourselves.
- Meditation is the most powerful tool we can find to connect with our interior, to learn to accept ourselves without judgment, to value ourselves and to cultivate that inner garden that many of us have left neglected. In addition, with the practice of meditation we can get out of that automatic pilot that governs our lives and regain awareness of the small details that make our life wonderful.
In conclusion, the basis for improving our self-esteem is many times in changing our habits, as proposed by BMI. We must be aware that to work on our confidence it is not enough just to practice meditation, but we also need to nourish ourselves properly and activate ourselves by doing things that contribute to our overall well-being. Turn negative into positive. Find out how to put it into practice in your day-to-day life along with the other tips.