mamas sos 3


mamas sos 3

Table of Contents:

Delfi shares a MEGA #tip with everyone.

We went on vacation to Chile with the boys ... and the first thing I thought about was to put the batteries to put together the "First aid box" for Oli and Félix. Whenever I go on a trip with the boys, I make a list of the things that we cannot miss. I thought about sharing it with you because many are probably in the same situation as me, and it could be very useful.

Here is my list of "Must haves" and I hope that if you come up with something you will add it.

IMPORTANT: It is all by way of suggestion, it is always good to consult your pediatricians.

  • Ibupirac 
  • Novalgina
  • Caladryl
  • Eye drops
  • Band aids
  • Hypoglos
  • Gauze
  • Adhesive tape 
  • Nail cutting scissors 
  • Calendula cream (for scrapes… A #TipMaMasSOS is to use the one that was left over from when they were breastfeeding… I carry the Bushi) 
  • Arnica (for the bumps, bumps ... it's magic ... I have a Weleda spray)
  • Thermometer
  • Syringe
  • Just thyme cream (for colds ... put on the chest, back and soles of the feet) 
  • Just Lavender Cream
  • Eucasol Just (always on clothes or pillow)
  • Off in its two versions, spray and cream (to put on the face, ears, etc.)
  • Sunscreen (you can check the last post on sun care)

This blog has been provided courtesy of Mamas SOS.

From Mamas SOS:

“Somos Delfi Roldán y Loli Barski amigas de la vida de hace más de 10 años. Pasamos muchos momentos juntas: vacaciones, salidas, viajes y hasta cada una fue testigo del casamiento de la otra. Hoy nos encontramos empezando a compartir ‘la maternidad.’ Delfi esta casada con Fran hace 5 años y es mamá de Oli (2 años y medio) y Félix (1 año) Loli esta casada con Nacho hace 1 año y espera a Toribio para Diciembre. Hace un par de meses que nuestras charlas no son de otra cosa que no sea bebés y tips de maternidad y embarazo. Por eso decidimos crear este espacio para compartir todos nuestros consejos y vivencias.”

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