We live in a new era where awareness of physical and social well-being, and environmental care are a priority for most of the people. Among the type of socially responsible initiatives that have managed to position themselves as a global trend is veganism, which translates into eating healthy and at the same time acting in defense of animal rights.
Another benefit of reducing the consumption of meat products is the reduction of greenhouse gases and the care of essential resources such as water. Far from the ideological part, there are the exotic flavors and the health benefits that you can get by following a vegan diet.
Avoiding foods of animal origin reduces your intake of a large number of chemicals, as well as saturated fat. Also, joining this food order will help you prevent cardiovascular diseases such as diabetes, obesity and hypertension.

It may seem difficult to change our eating habits, but the double positive effect that veganism has is the motivation you need to join the conscious and nutritious consumption. It is time to accept that health is not at odds with taste.
Among the infinite variety of dishes that can be prepared based on legumes, vegetables, cereals, vegetables and fruits, we share a couple of easy and delicious recipes to start taking better care of your body.
Lentil Burgers Lentils, the main ingredient, is a legume that offers a great supply of proteins, iron, zinc, magnesium, sodium, potassium, selenium, calcium and vitamins, especially the B complex, such as B2, B3, B6 and B9 (folic acid), in addition to vitamin A and vitamin E. It is also a good source of phosphorus and manganese. Check out the recipe below.
Vegetable Meatballs The possibilities of modifying a recipe as classic as meatballs is a simple task in a plant-based diet, meat can be substituted for tofu, oats, vegetables, eggplant and more. It is a dish very rich in fiber, recommended for people with digestive problems or the elderly. Here we share the recipe to prepare potato dumplings.