Financial information

For more than 4 decades, at BMI Companies we have provided the international market with high quality insurance and investment products in US dollars, oriented to planning and individual protection.

Our sustained growth and commitment over the years has shown that we are the best alternative for financial planning and protection of our clients.

The financial market has evolved in recent years as a result of globalization, the wide availability of information and sophisticated investment tools.

To maintain our level of leadership as specialized service providers, BMI continually analyzes the requirements of modern executives and professionals in order to satisfy them and their specific needs.

Keeping abreast of changes and innovations in the international financial community, BMI has managed to continue to meet the particular needs of its international clients and maintain its leadership position.

Indicadores Financieros
Financial indicators
Acceptable Assets
Estados Financieros
Financial statements
Reporte de Calificación de Riesgo
Risk Rating Report
Estados de Resultado Técnico
Technical Result Statements
Financially audited States
BMI-Logos Guatemala

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