As a SUGESE user, you have the right to:
Obtain a timely response to your requests and claims in a maximum of thirty calendar days.
Receive equal, dignified and respectful treatment.
Obtain public information for free, except for reproduction costs.
Know the status of your requirements, complaints and reports, as well as the official responsible for them.
Have access to services in a personal, virtual or telephone way.
Demand transparency in procedures.
Request relevant public information for the consumer and guidance about the insurance market and its participants.
Have access to education and dissemination on the proper consumption of products and services in the insurance market.
Rights of insurance consumers, before insurers and insurance intermediaries:
Right to the protection of your legitimate economic interests.
Right to freedom of choice between insurers, intermediaries, auxiliary products and services according to the provisions of the contract.
Right to obtain adequate and truthful information, before and after hiring.
Right to equitable and non-discriminatory treatment.
In case of doubt about the interpretation of the principles established by law, what is most favorable to the consumer will always prevail.
Right to prompt attention, through reasoned and written resolution of claims, complaints and requests from the insurance consumer, within a maximum of thirty calendar days.
Right to the protection of your data.
Instances to demand your rights:
In the event that your rights as an insurance consumer are violated, you may make your claim or complaint in writing, through the available means, in the instances of your choice and according to their powers:
Appeal to the instance for the defense of consumer rights, determined by the insurance entity involved.
Once the previous stage is exhausted and the claim persists, submit a complaint form to the General Superintendency of Insurance, duly signed or transmitted electronically by digital signature. The form can be downloaded from the website
Go directly to the National Consumer Commission, the Ministry of Economy, Industry and Commerce (MEIC), to the Courts of Justice or to the alternative dispute resolution methods established.
Our Commitment:
To carry out your procedure, it is recommended that you:
Treat the official who attends you with respect.
Clearly present your request, complaint or query.
Deliver complete, accurate and up-to-date information.
Find out and respect the procedures and deadlines established for each procedure.
Keep and do not alter the documents provided by both the insurance company, the intermediary or the Sugese.
Access to the Superintendency:
Location: San José, Montes de Oca, San Pedro, in front of the UCR Law School, Torre del Este Building, 7th Floor.
Telephone exchange: + (506) 2243-5108
Fax: + (506) 2243-5151
Hours of operation: Monday to Friday from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm
In accordance with Superintendent agreement SGS-DES-A-031-2014
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