

Differences between a medical discount plan and health insurance

Differences between medical discount plan and health policy
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In the field of health, medical services and insurance, there are more and more concepts that allow things to be made easier economically when going through an unexpected health situation, in this sense we find the concept of Medical discount plan and health insurance.

Both are intended to protect the holder or dependent in the event of any medical incident. Discount plans are typically used when you can't afford or qualify for health insurance.

Although both types of contracts are intended to be financial support when you have unexpected health expenses, they are very different. Here are some of the main differences between a medical discount plan and health insurance.

Main differences between a medical discount plan and health insurance

  • A medical discount plan allows you to obtain discounts on some health expenses, a health insuranceDepending on your coverage, you can even offer full insurance.

  • A Medical discount plan It is not considered an insurance, since it does not guarantee any type of service, a health insurance, guarantees previously contracted and known coverage, including emergencies.

  • The medical discount plans, basically include discounts on expenses such as: disease prevention, laboratory tests, primary and specific health care, X-ray tests, generic drugs, among others and unlike thehealth insurance, they do not include emergencies and hospitalizations that can even lead to operations, intermediate care or intensive care.

  • The medical discount plans, they are more accessible economically than health insurance and are not governed by forms or medical studies to validate whether the insured enjoys the minimum health required to contract a health insurance. Hence its low price and limited range.

Indeed, the benefits obtained between one and the other are very different, there are vital factors to take into account when choosing one or the other option when contracting a service to support medical expenses and they are basically the economic capacity to pay the premiums and the eligibility you need to have to opt for health insurance.

Good advice is the key

Likewise, when deciding to contract any of the two types of services or products, it is important to be very well informed of the benefits that are being acquired. It is also important to be guided by professionals in this regard who know how to explain in a clear and completely professional manner the pros and cons of all the available options.

BMI has a group of advisors, professionals who will guide you throughout the process so that you obtain the product that best suits your possibilities and that can best meet your needs; contact one of their advisers that will help you make the right decision.

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