Learn to take care of your heart, the engine of your life


Learn to take care of your heart, the engine of your life

Aprende a cuidar de tu corazón, el motor de tu vida

Table of Contents:

According to the Ministry of Public Health, in Ecuador cardiovascular diseases in the 2019, They reached 26.49 % of the total deaths. Among the most common cardiovascular problems are; hypertension, hyperglycemia, high glucose or cholesterol. Risk factors are: family history, smoking, diabetes, obesity and lack of exercise. For this reason, it is important to take care of this vital organ, learn how below:

Start a more relaxed life:  

Stress is not good for the heart, because it increases blood pressure, cholesterol and triglycerides. Therefore, it is necessary to learn to manage time well, take a break, practice self-care activities such as: singing, dancing, walking, meditating, eating and sleeping well. Each person must discover what activity helps them disconnect, that is easy to apply.

Take care of what you eat:

There are foods that are very good for the heart such as fish, especially salmon, trout and sardines. Likewise, nuts are excellent, as are fruits and vegetables; because they control blood pressure and provide essential nutrients. On the other hand, it is recommended to avoid saturated or trans fats, excess sugar and fried foods, which can be replaced by steamed foods.

Exercise the heart:

A great way to strengthen this organ is to stay active. The most recommended exercises are aerobics. Among the best activities for the heart are: dancing, cycling, walking, playing tennis, swimming. Accompany your exercise with our playlist: https://spoti.fi/3OpaU0m

Visit the doctor periodically:

It is appropriate to visit the general practitioner once a year for checkups. If you have a family history of heart pathologies or vascular risks, it is suggested to pay more attention and go for a consultation every two to five years.

Identify warning signs:

If the person has the following symptoms, medical attention should be sought:

  1. Pain in the arm: Pain that spreads along the left arm is a common symptom of a heart attack. It happens because the nerves in both the heart and arm send signals to the same brain cells. As a result, the brain does not isolate the source of pain.
  2. Chest pain: It happens when the heart is not receiving enough blood or oxygen. This discomfort is called angina.
  3. Difficulty breathing: When the heart has trouble pumping blood, it can cause fluid to leak into the lungs, causing difficulty breathing. This is known as heart failure.
  4. Swelling of legs and feet: When the heart is not working well, blood flow is slow. For this reason, it accumulates in the tissues.

To take care of your heart you must: reduce stress, maintain a healthy diet and weight, exercise, avoid bad habits such as smoking, control cholesterol and visit the doctor periodically. It must be remembered that the best cure is prevention. If you experience any abnormal symptoms, the ideal is to go to a trusted doctor immediately.

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