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A good night's rest is essential for physical and mental health, yet many people continually suffer from insomnia, which prevents them from enjoying the benefits of good sleep. Just as there are medical prescriptions to help people who suffer from insomnia, consuming certain foods before bed can help the process of falling and staying asleep for longer periods, without having to include drugs in your diet.

Insomnia is defined as the inability to fall or stay asleep. Not having enough hours of rest affects daily life, causing low energy, difficulty concentrating, sudden mood swings, poor performance at work, school or in our social relationships, as well as serious health problems.

Many people dealing with insomnia have found that their diet significantly affects their sleep cycles, and that with slight changes in it, they can increase their sleepiness and improve their overall rest process.

Before getting into the subject of foods that promote sleep, it is essential to understand that any type of food should be consumed at least two hours before going to bed. When our body is busy in the digestion process, it is difficult to fall asleep. Avoid this to give your body enough time to digest food properly.

When it comes to foods that induce sleep, the most important are its components. You have to avoid sugars and high concentrations of carbohydrates as these will give your body more energy. On the contrary, you should consume foods rich in muscle relaxants, which will help promote sleep.

Next, we share a list of nutrients that promote sleep and in what foods you can find them:

* The proteins that you can find in cooked eggs or pistachios promote the balance of blood sugar levels and intervene in the digestion process.

* Melatonin is found mainly in dried fruits, walnuts, and bananas, these help regulate the sleep cycle.

* We can consume calcium in all dairy products, in addition to whole grains and its function is to facilitate the process of falling asleep.

* The magnesium present in foods such as almonds, cocoa powder or sunflower seeds, promotes a better quality of sleep by reducing the function of muscles and nerves, in addition to stabilizing the heart rate.

* The vitamin B6 that we find in bananas, regulates the melatonin and serotonin functions, promoting sleep in those who consume them.

Healthy sleep is essential and you don't need to take medication to get a full night's rest. Fill your shopping cart with foods that promote sleep and nourish your body with natural muscle relaxants that will keep you dreaming through the night.

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