
Resuming goals this half of the year, our second chance

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This half of the year brings us many things, of which we can name would be the time to pause and be able to evaluate what has happened and what is to come. 

Many of us set goals for ourselves when the year began, but how many of them are still standing, or how many of them are we still working towards? If we ask ourselves this question we can realize that some of them may no longer be so present, so we can one of the benefits that this half of the year brings us, being able to re-evaluate and re-establish our objectives and goals for what rest of it.  

Maybe the challenges you set for yourself in January are no longer relevant to your life or maybe new priorities have emerged since then; after all, a lot can change in six months. 

Some things we can do to make the most of this opportunity would be: 

  • Re-evaluate your goals in a very detailed way and write them down, being realistic and intentional about what you could achieve and where you want to go.
  • Establish the times that each of these goals will take you, in order to search for tools that will help you achieve them. 
  • After your goals are written and established, it is time to write or think about positive statements, in order to maintain a good attitude to face the challenges that arise when you want to start reaching your goals or objectives. 

Once you've followed all these steps, all you have to do is commit. Since you already have a plan, now execute it with the best attitude! 

And remember that no matter how difficult the first half of the year has been, you owe it to yourself to set yourself up for success by reaching our goals and finishing the year strong.

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