Navigating the digital age: electronic devices and childhood


Navigating the digital age: electronic devices and childhood

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In the digital age, electronic devices have become integrated into people's daily lives. According to Kids Health, a web encyclopedia part of the Nemours Children's Health organization, from an early age children are exposed to computers, tablets, cell phones and televisions. Primicias indicates that, in Latin America, 92% of children between three and thirteen years old have access to a device connected to the internet. The 40 % of the parents assure that they use it mainly to connect to their social networks and play. This situation raises important questions, such as: What risks and benefits does technology have on boys and girls? Next, we will present information on the impact of technology on children.

Technology risks

 Consumer Eroski, a Spanish magazine, states that technology can have a negative impact on health when used for long periods of time, for example:

  • Position: Poor posture can cause back or neck pain and in more severe cases, you can suffer from carpal tunnel syndrome, which happens when the nerve that runs from the forearm to the hand is pressed or trapped inside the carpal tunnel, causing It causes numbness, tingling, and weakness in the hand. This occurs in people who spend a lot of time on their computer or cell phone writing, according to Semana, a Colombian newspaper.

The Spanish newspaper, 20 minutes, reports that there may also be “selfie elbow,” which occurs from spending a lot of time in this position, because too much tension is placed on the muscle, causing inflammation.

  • Feeding: Another health impact is being overweight; people who spend too much time in front of screens tend to be more sedentary. Also, due to the constant use of devices, the meal schedule can be affected.
  • Dream: American Academy Of Ophthalmology reports that exposure to excessive blue light can disrupt the natural sleep cycle, better known as the circadian rhythm. Therefore, it is recommended that you avoid using technology at least one or two hours before going to sleep. To learn more about children's sleep, visit:
  • Hearing: According to the WHO, one of the causes of deafness is prolonged exposure to loud sounds, so listening to very loud music with headphones is not recommended.
  • School problems and bullying: World Vision, an NGO, indicates that it can affect school performance if there is excessive use or if it is used at the same time as doing homework, because it generates distraction, in addition, the little ones can be victims of cyberbullying, which according to Unicef , happens when a person is intimidated through digital technologies, whether on social networks or gaming platforms.
  • Mental health: In relation to mental health, telephone abuse can cause, according to the IMQ Health Channel:
  1. Nomophobia: It is the anxiety generated by leaving the cell phone at home and it is excessive.
  2. Cyberchondria: It is a disorder suffered by certain people who believe they have a disease that they have seen on the internet.
  3. Dissociative identity disorder: It occurs when the person cannot differentiate real life from virtual life.
  4. Phubbing: It is the abusive use of the telephone while other people are present.

Benefits of technology

Not everything is negative regarding technology, as it offers significant benefits for boys and girls. Here are some examples that Unicef presents to us.

Facillites learning: It has enormous potential to expand the reach of education, mainly in remote places. Likewise, in-person classes can be complemented with digital tools, making them more educational and entertaining.

Amplifies your voice: The little ones share their opinions on blogs and social networks.

Promotes inclusion: Technology can help children with disabilities communicate, learn and participate in activities.

Tips for responsible use of technology

We recommend several tips from the American Academy of Pediatrics for different stages of childhood.

Babies and toddlers up to 18 months: It is not recommended that they spend time in front of a screen, an exception may be making video calls with relatives.

Preschoolers from 3 to 4 years old: It is suggested that maximum time with devices be up to one hour per day in educational programs, and should always be supervised by a caregiver.

Boys, girls from 5 to 11 years old: The recommended time is 1 to 2 hours, and always keep in mind that the devices should not interfere with sleep or physical activity.

Additionally, suggestions from the Microsoft Security and Protection Center are shared, such as: having established times to respect device use times. In relation to the privacy, it should be communicated that you should not chat with strangers, and it is suggested to have systems that avoid receiving video calls from unknown people. Likewise, there are parental control applications, which filter the content that children view through their devices.

In conclusion, as we navigate the digital age, it is crucial to be aware of the risks that electronic devices can pose to the physical, mental and emotional health of our children. However, not everything is negative; It is also important to recognize the benefits that technology can offer in terms of learning, communication and inclusion. As parents and caregivers, it is important to find a healthy balance to encourage conscious and responsible use.


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