Thinking about expanding your family? Learn everything about pre-pregnancy planning


Thinking about expanding your family? Learn everything about pre-pregnancy planning

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Before pregnancy, it is crucial to take into account some factors to ensure the well-being of the baby. Below will be several tips that will be helpful for this exciting journey of pregnancy.

Before pregnancy, it is recommended:

1. Consult with the specialist

The first step is to consult with a doctor, who will provide various recommendations depending on the couple's age and family history. Likewise, the doctor will analyze in detail: health problems, lifestyle, and will review if the woman requires any type of medication prior to pregnancy. Among the doctor's frequent suggestions are: stop consuming alcohol, tobacco and drugs, as they can cause problems for the baby such as premature birth and even death. Additionally, the health professional will prescribe folic acid, a vitamin that prevents congenital deformations of the spinal cord. Likewise, it will suggest eating a balanced diet that contains: iron, calcium, fats and omega-3. Likewise, you should avoid consuming caffeine, do physical exercise and have a complete vaccination schedule. as For example: rubella, chickenpox, flu, whooping cough, the specialist will be in charge of reviewing this issue, defining when they should be administered.

2. Dental health

El Mostrador, a Chilean newspaper, indicates that you should consider visiting the dentist, since hormonal changes during pregnancy can make a woman's gums more prone to contracting diseases such as gingivitis or periodontitis, which could cause childbirth. premature or the baby has a low birth weight.

3. Emotional factors

Mental health is crucial, the couple who wants to get pregnant must be emotionally prepared to make this decision. In the same way, it is important to ask questions about motherhood, how many children you want to have, whether the woman wants to take care of her alone or with a partner, how expenses will be managed, among other doubts that may be transcendental for people seeking to enter the the world of motherhood.

4. Fertility

The couple must know which are the woman's fertile days to have sexual relations on those days. According to Mayo Clinic, a woman of childbearing age can get pregnant at any date of her menstrual cycle, however, there are days that are considered most fertile, which occur on days 11 to 14 of the cycle, which lasts 28 days. At this time, ovulation occurs, a process in which the ovary releases a mature egg, which can be fertilized by sperm, resulting in pregnancy. In addition, the specialist can send a test to know the status of the ovarian reserve, which measures the quantity and quality of the eggs.

5. Additional recommendations

Exposure to toxic substances should be avoided, because they can increase the chances of malformations. These substances include: lead, pesticides, paints, cleaning products and mercury. Additionally, you should get enough sleep, it is recommended that it be for 7 to 8 hours, this will help the woman to have a better state of fertility.

Planning is key to preparing for motherhood; this must be a process that is accompanied by a specialist so that they can provide the appropriate instructions for each patient. At this time BMI is with you, learn about our plans and their maternity coverage:




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