The relationship between physical and mental health is inseparable, this fact has been known since ancient times. In fact, the oldest cultures in the world had already developed practices that sought integral well-being, such as Tai Chi, created in China before Christian times.
Today, this relationship has regained its place as an elementary point for leading a full life, and more and more options are available that can help you achieve this goal.
Next, we share 5 options that you can choose to maintain a balance between mind and body.
- Travel for health. One of the most common problems nowadays are physical and psychological disorders related to work stress, therefore, leaving the routine and living new experiences in a relaxed environment is a way to reestablish balance. In the same way, planning a trip and researching the destination you are going to visit contributes to improving organizational skills.
- Games for the mind. Hobbies like crosswords, puzzles, Sudoku puzzles, chess, or any other game that requires strategic analysis to solve problems, keep both hemispheres of the brain active. Not only will this improve your logical and creative abilities, it will also help you reduce harmful levels of stress and improve your patience.
- Recommended sports. Sports that require split-second decisions, such as fencing, table tennis, or hockey, improve cognitive function and reduce the effects associated with aging such as learning and memory problems, as well as improving reflexes.
- Don't stop exercising. The combination of lifting weights and aerobic exercise offers both organic and physical benefits, since strength training releases a molecule called "insulin-like growth factor 1". This is a hormone produced in the liver that helps communication between brain cells and stimulates the growth of new neurons.
In conclusion, we can tell you that scientists and health professionals agree that exercising contributes to having a healthier brain and eliminating stress, while maintaining your physical condition in an optimal state.
Find a balance between mental and physical health and you will see how your effort and commitment will be rewarded.